Families Together Utah is an organization dedicated to helping families access resources in our community. It is specifically designed for those who are experiencing disruption to the family of any kind, but all of the following resources and organizations are freely accessible to anyone who might be in need. Special consideration is given to those recently immigrated or facing deportation.
Medical | Legal | Mental Health | Basic Needs | Community Connections
Family Emergency Action Plan as developed by Communidades Unidades and the Immigrant Legal Resource Center.
Designed for use in case an immigration emergency arises, but is suitable to have on hand for other emergencies to easily disperse information.
The PDF file can be printed out and written on.
Every family should have an emergency plan written out and in the hands of several different family members. While no one wants to ever need to use the plan, it is essential to have one in place in the event of family disruption or some other unforeseen emergency.